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* Calculated price is based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Shipping and preparation included, taxes extra. The rebate and purchase price displayed may vary depending on whether the vehicle is leased, financed, or paid in cash. Please note the Drive Green government rebates are included if applicable, does not include taxes. Prices, payments and rates are subject to change without notice, please verify all information and pricing with a sales representative or ask online.

Calgary’s Home for Honda Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

The benefit of purchasing a Honda Certified Pre-Owned vehicle here in Calgary is undoubtedly the peace of mind that comes standard. Even if your used Honda comes from a trusted source, like South Pointe Honda, there can still be lingering concerns. The Honda Certified Pre-Owned program seeks to remove some of those worries by giving you as much information about your new previously-owned vehicle as possible. A 100-point inspection works in concert with a full history report to provide you with a complete picture of your previously-owned Honda before you buy. 

We are so confident in the Honda Certified Pre-Owned program here in Calgary and surrounding areas that we also offer a wide range of exclusive benefits on the purchase of these vehicles. These benefits include additional warranties, special offers, lower interest rates, and even a seven-day or 1,000km exchange privilege. We are so confident that you will find what you are looking for in this vehicle that we are prepared to offer a wide range of deals and offers that otherwise couldn’t be on the table.  

Why Go With a Honda Certified Pre-Owned in Calgary?

We hear you when you worry that Certified Pre-Owned vehicles will cost more, and that’s a fair concern. However, rest assured that once you factor in low-interest rates and the aforementioned special offers and deals we have here at South Pointe Honda, these vehicles typically become comparable to our standard previously-owned inventory. Add to that the peace of mind that comes built into every Certified Pre-Owned Honda, and you have a vehicle that is both affordable and worth every cent. When you are ready to get started, get in touch with us today. Let’s find you a Certified Pre-Owned Honda in Calgary today!